Every Law firm defines themselves as big, old, experienced in various areas of practice, internationally connected and community-minded. What was Pitblado’s defining difference? After extensive internal research, everything pointed to their insightful people and approach to law. This defining element was based on the firm’s values and how they lived and breathed them. Simply put; the focus of Pitblado’s brand became less about ‘what’ business they did, and more about the company’s culture, people and the ‘way’ they do business. A big part of the new brand was to show lawyers as real people, with real lives and interests, just like you and me.
Simple, clean and friendly were the ingredients put into Pitblado’s corporate logotype. The same recipe was adapted to develop a family of program specific logos for the firm including the Pit-U Learning Centre, A.M.P. Associate Marketing Program, the BizStart New business program, LOL Law on-line consumer products, and Raising the Bar for Community Initiatives.
Law is changing, and so is your lawyer. One of the most important new brand components for Pitblado was their website. Our approach was to atypically show upfront lawyer profiles that reflected Pitblado’s new people first and personal approach to law. This along with fresh content for perspective clients such as podcasts, webinars, white papers, white boards, video training, social media and their aptly named bLAWg, all help connect lawyers specifically to update and educate existing and potential clients.
To reflect the clean and friendly tone of the Pitblado brand, we incorporated a multi-leveled typographical installation on the main entrance wall that reflected the firm’s values. It serves as a constant reminder to all partners, employees, and clients of the firm’s brand promise, and instills values into the daily hustle and bustle of their world.
Pitblado came to us to develop invitations to their famous seasonal get together, as well as a seasonal E-card message to send to all clients and friends for the Christmas season. There were just a few stipulations. They didn’t want to discriminate against other holidays, races and religions. No Santa, no candelabras, no red or green... well, you get the picture. So, we came up with snowing disclaimers. Hey, asterisks look a heck of a lot like snowflakes. Enough said.