What do you do when an organization with an iconic history asks you to help put a fresh new face on a proud old heritage? Well, you put on your research goggles and start digging. Deep. Way deep into an archive and legacy of public service pioneering, characteristic of a burgeoning young nation itself, one about to cast its very identity onto the world stage.
The ancient adage assures “a picture is worth a thousand words”. In the case of legendary crown corporation, Canada Post, it might be better said as a picture being worth a thousand stories.
Founded immediately following the formation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867, the formerly named Post Office Department began humbly enough, even before its official inception, when in 1693, Portuguese born Pedro da Silva was contracted to deliver mail between Quebec City and Montreal. Thus launched generations of groundbreaking postal achievements to follow, from an early 20th century pioneering role in airmail delivery, to the creation and introduction of the nation’s first permanent stamp in 2006.
In 2007, Canada Post was determined to bring its equipment, operations, and workspace environments current with the latest technologies and industry practice efficiencies, through the lauded Modern Post initiative. It was during this time that Q-Power’s brandscape artisans were called to contribute to the vision in a very eclectic and inspirational way.
Painting a reflective picture of the prized and storied institution on the very walls which housed its memories, we were able to infuse life into a tired facility, by connecting with an inspired sense of mission and purpose central to theme in the corporation’s bold new vision. Through engaging public displays, honouring both a timeless past and a progressive future, an organic template was set to represent the enthusiasm and imagination of a bold new generation of Canadians, proud to service their fellow citizens.
A picture is worth a thousand words… It might be better said as a picture being worth a thousand stories.”
Q-Power’s brandscape artisans created a reflective picture of the prized and storied institution… by connecting with Canada Post’s new inspired sense of mission and purpose.
Original Smith Street Distribution Facility - Winnipeg, Canada
Having experienced our strength in corporate brandscaping in early 2008, Canada Post immediately commissioned an interior workspace revitalization of the downtown Winnipeg postal distribution facility. It would be as unconventional as it was rejuvenating.
Following a mandate set out by then President and CEO, Moya Greene, aimed at ensuring the new Canada Post be transformed into a fully modernized service provider, we rolled up our sleeves and went to work. We introduced a themed brandscape vision affecting public lobby spaces and employee lounge areas, that would reflect not only the spirit of the new Modern Post, but pay equal homage to glowing achievements of an enterprising past.
By paying homage to the past and embodying contributions of those who helped pave the way for a progressive future, our team was able to elevate the charge and showcase it throughout the facility. And how better to celebrate such a robust troupe of industrious pioneers than through gritty, organic and eclectic representation of it all?
Two Rivers Meet Heritage Display
The display pays homage to the meeting of the Red and the Assiniboine rivers as the foundational catalysts for the settlement of Winnipeg as one of Canada’s premier cities and central delivery hubs. Materials that were used included tyndall stone and copper native to the region. Waterways visuals were created utilizing colored acrylics.
In keeping with the mandate for the timeless institution to be marshaled into a fully transformational reality, we infused the Winnipeg Smith Street facilities with a balance of aesthetic warmth and corporate sensitivity, to ensure a progressive, yet comfortable transition into an exciting new era for all of its tenured stakeholders.
The interior workspace re-vitalization of the downtown Winnipeg postal distribution facility… would be as unconventional as it was rejuvenating.
Paying homage to the past and embodying the contributions of all those who helped pave the way for a progressive future.
Interior walkways were enhanced with custom designed carpets, tyndal stone, copper and visual designs representing the meeting of the historic delivery hubs of the two winnipeg rivers.
New Winnipeg Postal Distribution Centre – James Armstrong Richardson International Airport Location
As the ink was drying on the drawing boards for a brand new technology inspired postal distribution facility, adjacent to the equally new Richardson International Airport, we were once again called upon to deliver the emotional connect to the public and private stakeholders who would soon walk its busy halls.
A 155 foot long public corridor, affectionately coined the Time Tunnel Walkway, would provide the perfect backdrop in the state of the art facility for a historic feature wall display spanning 35 glass mounted story frames and an eclectic photo gallery capturing the company’s treasured past. From one end, the walkway takes observers and employees alike through the early stages of corporate inception and mail delivery pioneering, while through the middle frames and beyond, key benchmarks in the organization’s evolving history are freeze-framed and showcased for posterity and reflection.
Towards the end of the unique testament to a timeless corporate legacy, there still empty frames. Empty frames of stories yet to be told, of new building stones not yet laid, and of visions of potentially even further grandeur. As the anonymous poet aptly shared, “Cherish your past, live for today, and dream for tomorrow”. This wisdom has inspired individuals, cultures, and organizations alike since time in memoriam.
“I had the pleasure of taking MP Stephen Fletcher and his colleagues through the Winnipeg plant and, as a history buff, he was quite impressed the content and quality of the displays.” Bill Davison
General Manager & Senior Lead - Postal Transformation,
Western Canada - Canada Post Corporation
Cherish your past, live for today, and dream for tomorrow”. – Wisdom that has inspired individuals, cultures and organizations alike since time in memoriam.
The Time Tunnel Walkway provides the perfect backdrop in this state- of-the-art facility for a historic feature wall display capturing the company’s treasured past.
Brandscaping can help buttress up enthusiasm, reinforce corporate values and build organizational alignment. Learn how at 1-204-235-1284.