
School Specialty Inc. featuring Premier Agendas is the leading provider of student planners for schools across North America. Premier offers a wide range of products for students, educators and families alike; all of which work to instill 21st century planning skills while focusing on key areas in student development such as character and performance, personal discovery and aspiration, studying and testing, employability and post-secondary opportunities; and environmental and social responsibility. Q-Power has been the longstanding principal agency for Premier and the creative thrust for 15 plus years behind both product innovation and marketing that has seen Premier attract over 40,000 schools North America wide as clients.

Our collaborations helped create a nation-wide planner revolution.

Nearly two decades of product innovation and marketing has helped the student day planner and journal market grow to some 30 million North American students.

Logos & Identities

Premier’s logo was hailed company-wide for its strength and simplicity. The identity served as a genuine catalyst for marketing and promotional materials, as well as the innovative products that have been a hallmark of their education marketplace legacy.


In 1983, a small upstart print shop in Winnipeg, Canada called Premier Printing Ltd. began incubating an entirely unique idea for the North American education market - day planners for students. Although the idea of a time management journal wasn’t revolutionary, the concept of making it accessible, en masse, school wide, with school customization, at a reasonable cost… was. Premier decided to do an initial launch of the product in a few central provinces. The result: immediate buy-in and intrigue from educators, students and parents alike – big time. By 1990, the Premier Agenda business across Canada had taken a steady market foothold and soon after, a U.S. partnership formed. Today, Premier Agendas is owned by School Specialty Inc. and is progressively innovating in the key areas of technology, social media marketing and communications, aspirational product development, mentorship and a diverse range of kid-first initiatives.

“Q-Power has been an integral partner and innovator for our company for over 15 years. Without them, we would not have the fantastic learning products kids utilize each and every day.”

~ Dave Loeppky,
Former Premier Agendas President

Advertising & Design The Architecture of Planning

Our inherent knowledge of manufacturing processes and supplier partners has enabled us to update and reconfigure existing shapes and the look and feel of product designs. A closer look reveals that every square inch is designed to be usable and clear; allowing students to effectively balance their academic workload, activities and other commitments. Fun facts and activities, recommended best book reading and daily attitude trackers all help infuse thematic messaging, inspiration to capture the imagination of educators and students alike.

Premier Agenda