Diversity Rocks! Great minds don’t think alike

Albert Einstein

As even brainiac IQ types like Albert understood, one plus one doesn’t always make two. But what those of us in the warm and fuzzy EQ world of branding and marketing communications have come to recognize, is that the case can well be made for a factor exponentially more significant when it comes to consolidating creative energy into winning campaigns aimed at savvy consumers.

DNA strand

Unleashing award-winning spontaneity and creative synergy into the emotional world marketing communications equation requires a level of trust and respect around the boardroom table that can test even the most collaboratively-inclined minds. The reason for this is simple: we all operate and experience life from a totally unique and individual perspective or paradigm - our own.

We learn differently, see differently, and all have very unique and different styles, traits and characteristics woven into our DNAs. All of which translates into a particular bias or foundation for reasoning that at the end of the day ultimately affects how we choose to interpret or assess the value of an idea.

A little background below…

We Learn Differently

As you’ve probably already noticed, your associates, partners, colleagues’ brains aren’t wired exactly like yours. Dr. Thomas Armstrong (Executive Director of the American Institute for Learning and Human Development, and award winning author and speaker) has researched and identified seven kinds of learning style predicators, and suggests that people learn and develop best through their most dominant intelligence.

Brain Map
  1. Linguistic: Learning through reading, writing, telling stories.
  2. Logical-Mathematical: Learning through logic, patterns, categories, relationships.
  3. Bodily-Kinesthetic: Learning through bodily sensations, touching.
  4. Spatial: Learning through images and pictures.
  5. Musical: Learning through sound and rhythm.
  6. Interpersonal: Learning through interaction and communication with others.
  7. Intrapersonal: Learning through your own feelings.

All this to say that one type isn’t ultimately better than another, only different. This is especially true as it relates to working with stakeholder participants at all interactive levels, including the company and/or organization’s leadership group being served. If open-minded and intuitive consideration is duly afforded diversely oriented thinkers all around, one can never tell where the next big idea will come from. And the more liberated the group synergy, the better.

In the spirit of evaluating raw creative synergy and engaging collaborative and colourful minds, one of advertising’s all-time legend greats included this characteristic nugget to the discussion mix:

“I notice increasing reluctance on the part of marketing executives to use judgment; they are coming to rely too much on research, and they use it as a drunkard uses a lamp post for support, rather than for illumination.” ~ David Ogilvy

We See Differently

Remember the famous 1972 Johnny Nash song, ‘I Can See Clearly Now’? Well, perhaps after taking a quick look at the equally famous illustration below, one might allow a tiny sliver of doubt to creep in about such certainty. Sometimes what we think we see at first glance isn’t at all what we perceive when we take a somewhat deeper or closer look. And in the ideas and development world of advertising and marketing communications, it pays big dividends to look through the eyes of a consumer from an assortment of unique and diverse perspectives.

Young Woman or Old Hag

Do you see a young woman or old hag in this illustration? They are both present, but you will not be able to see both of them simultaneously. Once you perceive both figures, see if you can get them to fluctuate back and forth between the two interpretations.

Young Woman or Old Hag

The simple point that can be learned from this famous example of perceptual ambiguity is that we all understand things from our own point of view. The events of our past have formed a lens or paradigm through which we see the world. And since no one’s past is exactly like anyone else’s, no two people will see everything alike. Once we embrace the idea that everyone views the world differently, it dramatically increases our understanding and respect for divergent opinions, contributions and inputs into the marketing equation.

So give diversity that chance and then make an illuminated call. Resist the temptation to short-circuit the creative process. Remember, great minds don’t necessarily think alike.

Give diversity a chance and collaborate with us at 1-204-235-1284.